Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We leave Friday morning for the Dunes; we'll be gone a week. The car-top cargo carrier arrived a couple days ago. Tomorrow I'll see if it actually fits. I'm trying to imagine all the stuff that'll go in it: highchair, Exersaucer, and on and on. I guess you have to pack them rather tightly so the contents don't smash around in there.

Riveting subject matter, I know. It's crazy to plan a week-long trip with a baby. Tonight I dropped off the dogs at Julie's sister's. I don't think I'll miss them at all. It sounds horrible to say, but dogs are such an unbelievable nuisance when you have a baby. Lyla's first word is bound to be "Daisy!" said with annoyance, anger, or seething rage. Or "Tulip, get!" That dog, I swear. She likes to lick her own shit and then lick you. Fuse Tulip and Daisy's brains together, and you might end up with one mildly stupid dog as opposed to two complete imbeciles. Hey, maybe that's what Tulip's trying to do when she humps Daisy.

Oh, they're sweet dogs. And Tulip (the shit licker) likes Lyla very much, lets her yank her face fur without so much as a yowl. Daisy's a bit more squeamish, opting to move across the room if Lyla gets too close. They'll be good for Lyla to grow up with.

But anyway, today I did six or seven loads of laundry, and tomorrow I have to clean the house and pack as much as possible before Julie gets home. Blah blah blah. When you're a stay-at-home parent, you don't need a vacation from work, but you need one from planning for vacation.

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