Sunday, July 5, 2009


This evening Kelly and Becca, who work with Julie, became the first non-relatives to babysit Lyla. When Julie and I returned from our excellent dinner out, they reported that Lyla was easygoing and cute, which is clear evidence that we are expert parents.

Or they lied. I'd be okay with that, too.

Lyla did cop a bit of an attitude when we got home. I concentrated so I could translate her garbled complaints into adult English. Along with wanting a higher flow nipple on her bottle, she said "Why can't you be fun like Kelly and Becca?" She also wants to marry Kelly's two-year-old son, mainly because he's a cool dude but also because she'd get daily access to his toys, specifically his water toys, though the trains intrigue her as well.

And she thanks him for lending her his Elmo book. It tastes amazing.

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