Monday, July 13, 2009


Lyla goes to sleep around 7:00 and sleeps until around 7:00. She takes two or three naps as well, each for an hour, sometimes two. We have no complaints about this.

But I'm wondering what'll happen when Lyla starts daycare. The director there mentioned that they try to get the kids down to one nap per day, and I'm guessing that doesn't mean one three-hour nap. Plus, we'll have to wake up Lyla an hour earlier just to get to daycare. Will we need to start putting her to bed at 4:00?

Parents of older kids do say that infant sleepiness goes away, that they long for the day when their hellion even went down for a single nap. It's hard to imagine Lyla any other way: you turn on the fan, some music, lay her down, and she's good. To take that away from her--to take that away from us--is tough to swallow.

Oh well. Maybe it's best to nip this in the bud now. She'll never get through medical school sleeping 16 hours a day.

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