Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Due to a sketchy weather forecast today, Julie and I are heading to an outlet mall and leaving Lyla in the capable hands of Auntie Lori and Grandma Julie, as well as a large cast of supporting sitters.

God help them. Lyla has grown wise to our baby-soothing tricks and has become all but impossible at nap time. Hey, maybe she's teething. Maybe she needs an exorcism.

This morning I put her in the Bjorn and walked two laps around the outside of the hotel before going inside and zigzagging my way upstairs, through corridors, and eventually back to our room. Then, satisfied that she was asleep, I put her down in the playpen. Hysterics immediately ensued.


She has diaper rash! We came back from our shopping trip, several articles of clothing richer (and monetarily poorer), and my mom reported that some "icky poop" must have caused the rash. Then, while elaborating, she repeated the phrase "icky poop" like 150 times, and I thought I might hurl.

So I drove to Walgreen's and bought some zinc oxide on the recommendation of the pharmacist. And now here's my question: is there some kind of utensil you can buy to apply that stuff? I squirted some on a diaper wipe, but it totally didn't work. Then I said screw it and used my fingers. And again, almost hurled. Do they sell zinc oxide applicators, maybe in the shape of fingers?

And now Lyla is an effective sleeper again. Case closed.

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