Wednesday, July 1, 2009


1. Lyla brushes her own teeth. There's a classic parenting exaggeration for you. The actual story: Lyla has no teeth but sucked on a toothbrush today.

2. She can also now transition herself from her butt to her stomach. Her face sometimes hits the carpet, but as Julie says, "She's resilient."

3. We skipped swimming class today, and we're skipping tomorrow too. It's boring. Anja and her mom feel the same way, so we're taking the girls to an outdoor pool tomorrow instead. And we will not be singing "Tick tock, tick tock, I'm a little cuckoo clock."

4. This week, Lyla has taken three naps a day, each between one and two hours, and slept all night. We've even started putting her to bed an hour earlier. We googled these symptoms and read one piece of advice over and over: enjoy it while it lasts.

5. Julie started a blog devoted to reviewing baby toys. She writes it as Lyla, which is hilarious, so check it out: Beyond the Binky.

6. And finally, I discovered that if you look at my list of previous post titles, you can occasionally find three in a row that say something awesome. For instance, the past three posts were Orange Counterproductive Tutu. Awesome. Go back to May and you'll see Ball Nutrition Twiddle. Also awesome. If you know a rock band struggling to name their album, send them here.

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