Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Lyla's fine. The nurse line said that based on her symptoms she was no longer contagious and could therefore return to school tomorrow. Meanwhile, I feel like I'm coming down with something. Maybe it's a housework allergy.

We dragged Lyla to the mall this evening so Julie could exchange two of the three items I bought her yesterday. I only mention the mall again because of the accidental shoplifting that transpired. As we exited through Macy's, Julie pulled from the stroller this hideous stuffed mutant pit bull from, of all places, Gymboree.

"Did Lyla steal this?" I asked incredulously.

"Um, let's just go home," Julie replied like the devil on your shoulder that argues with the angel on your other shoulder.

"Oh hell no," I said angelically.

I pulled Lyla out of the stroller and marched her butt down to Gymboree. The girl working there was helping a customer. When Lyla and I entered and no alarms sounded and no mall rent-a-cops handcuffed us, I deemed it prudent to set the mutant dog on the counter and walk out purposefully but not suspiciously.

Back at the Macy's exit, Julie decided it was now appropriate to mention that Lyla was not to blame. In fact, what may have happened, Julie was just now remembering, was that she herself might have given Lyla the dog to play with and then absentmindedly left the store without putting it back.

"So Lyla's not a criminal?"


"But you're a criminal."


"Mama's a criminal, Lyla."


Jodie said...

is that the dictionary she is pulling out? Another english major on our hands? :)

Grandma Jackie said...

Reminds me of when Jen and Julie were little and they accidentally walked out of K-Mart with coloring books in their hands....! I was too embarrassed to take them back!!

Dan said...

Ah - so that's when it started.