Saturday, September 19, 2009


After watching the excellent (500) Days of Summer (better date movie than Inglourious Basterds), we went to a restaurant we remembered as cool from before we were parents. wasn't cool. There was a baby two tables from us, and it didn't seem out of place. We realized we could've brought Lyla, which contradicted our date night goal of baby-inappropriateness. Plus, our waitress was unable to tell us anything about the wine special beyond it being white and a "greeeat deeeal."

So we ditched. Julie staged an imaginary cell conversation with Auntie Lori, who was babysitting, and I gestured apologetically to the host as we walked out.

A nice walk later, we found ourselves at a tiny wine bar down the street, dark with old wood everywhere and lit with candles. I'd wager there's never been a baby in there ever. It was perfect.

1 comment:

Susi said...

I would be very interested in knowing the name and location of this perfect date night location, assuming, of course, that you're willing to share. I promise never to bring a baby there.