Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is my 300th day in a row of posting on this blog. I'm sort of awesome.

Julie took Lyla in for her nine month appointment today. Lyla's stats are all in the 80s and 90s, percentile-wise. Everything's cool. She didn't even cry.

Okay, seriously. She got a flu shot and her finger pricked, and she did not cry. I think she might have that condition where your nerve endings don't detect pain. She'll grow up and deliberately slam into things because it doesn't hurt. Maybe we can get Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to build us a house with pillows for walls. I wonder if Ty would make my video-game room his special project.

What was I saying? Oh yes: Julie found the secret to keeping a baby relatively happy during a shot. I don't know if it would work with all babies, but it worked with ours. Julie dipped Lyla's binky in sugar water and gave it to her a moment before the shot. Lyla was suck-slurping away, and when the pin pricked, she said "Hmm." See, her brain was swirling in endorphins from the sugar water. They did a study on it. It's legit.

It is worth noting that Julie also got a flu shot today. She did not suck on a sugar binky and has been whining about the soreness ever since.


Ashley Antkowiak said...

I don't remember how I found your "my wife is preggers" blog, but I wanted to let you know that I think it is fantastic! I'm 20 weeks along right now, and I've had so much fun reading your posts from when she was pregnant. Thanks for posting!

Dan said...

Hey thanks, Ashley! You made my day. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and subsequent parenthood.