Saturday, October 3, 2009


Lyla made three important discoveries today. The first was that there are cupboards in the kitchen with doors that open and close. The cupboards also contain lots of baby-inappropriate toys for when the opening and closing gets old. Which it doesn't. But if it ever does get old to open, close, open, and close those doors, the fun will not end.

The second discovery was a Little Tykes Push & Ride Racer, given to her by Auntie Jen. This racer will revolutionize playtime. It goes.

And, as you can see from all of these photos, the third discovery was that something fun becomes more fun if you're holding a Sharpie.


Caree said...

I love the whole pants thing with Lyle. It's like she always is coming or going from instructing aerobics. I know we are children of the 80's, but it's time to let go! ;)


Caree said...

sorry- Lyl-a. so much for not previewing.