Sunday, January 25, 2009


We're wondering what hand Lyla will prefer to use when holding her scalpel, and leading up to that, pencil. I'm a lefty, but Julie's a righty. I have two left-handed siblings. Julie has two right-handed siblings. Julie's parents are right-handed. Mine are also right-handed, though one could argue that based on how my mom holds a pencil, some overzealous kindergarten teacher might have had a hand in her becoming a righty.

Lyla has discovered recently that if she clenches her hand, the resulting shape is a decent approximation of a nipple. The hand she always chooses for this activity is her left. Does this mean she'll be a lefty? Or does it suggest that she's saving her right hand for more academic pursuits? By suckling her left hand, she can calculate derivatives with her right hand, for instance.

She also prefers to sleep on her left side. Perhaps this is so the right side of her brain--the side that controls the left part of the body--has a better opportunity for nighttime expansion. We're watching out for that flat head syndrome because it's really hard to get her to sleep on her right side. But maybe her sleeping preference indicates that she'll be creative and scattered, a dreamer, a romantic, a bohemian bongo drum player with no permanent address who dabbles in astrology and talks to trees.

We have no control over anything, do we?

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