Monday, January 5, 2009


I think she's growing. We're due at the doctor again in a couple weeks, so that's when we'll get specific measurements, but it does seem like Lyla is ballooning a bit. Clothes aren't hanging off her as much, and last night her toes nearly touched the end of her little baby bath thingy.

And the bath itself took longer. There was more of her to clean.

She's up a size in diapers, from hamster to groundhog or whatever those sizes are. And where she used to fuss during every diaper change, now she just looks at me as if to say, "This again? Yeah, whatever."

We're trying to get as much wear out of her smaller clothes as we can. Last night I stuffed her into her Santa pajamas. It was January 4th, yes, but there's no way she'll fit into them next month much less next Christmas. We'll pass her around next December, though, and we'll pass around the old pajamas too and be like "Remember when?"

Babies grow so fast that I hope you don't harm them by putting them in clothes that are nearly too small. Put a fish in a small tank, and you can hinder its growth. Can you do the same with a baby? What if Lyla is scheduled to grow a certain amount some week, but her pajamas are a bit tight? Should you always keep your infant in clothes that are a half-size too big simply to encourage maximum growth? I guess it's good that fabrics stretch. Well, we haven't reached that point yet, but the day is coming when we'll have to open the second drawer, where all the non-newborn clothes live.

In their second month, many babies start smiling at things. We're not quite there yet, so I'm hoping she won't be a below-average smiler. Just in case, I'll keep acting goofier and goofier. "Is she smiling yet?"

"No Dan, get off the unicycle. Quit juggling the dogs."

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