Saturday, March 28, 2009


In this picture we are at a friend's house and Lyla is sitting on the couch like a big kid. Earlier today she shopped with her mom and two aunties. Now it's an hour past her bedtime, so it's been a big day.

Julie and Lyla are having an important conversation as I type this. Julie is blowing raspberries at Lyla, and Lyla is trying to imitate her. Tulip, who is scared of the raspberry sound, is hiding under the couch. Daisy, meanwhile, is eviscerating a stuffed cat that I bought for her on clearance at the Disney Store.

It's bedtime. Julie excels at the bedtime routine and I suck at it, so we've kind of unofficially decided that bedtime is Julie's thing. I'm not being dense about this--some things are my things, like bottle washing and baths. Julie is bringing Lyla over to me for a goodnight kiss.

I turned it into a kiss/mock-face-eating. Now they've left for upstairs. Soon I'll hear the baby monitor turn on, indicating that Lyla is in her crib. Then Julie will come downstairs and we'll hug, which has become a tradition, the Lyla's-in-bed hug.

Safe from Julie's raspberry sounds, Tulip has emerged from beneath the couch and is running frenetic circles around the livingroom table. Daisy guards the new toy.

Now they've stopped. Now it's calm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog today, Dan. And doesn't Lyla look like a big girl sitting on the couch with the grownups. Love you guys, Mom