Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Lyla slept until about 8:45, at which point I sort of woke her up. It just seemed weird since she normally wakes up by 7:00 or 7:30. Never wake a sleeping baby, right? Well, tell that to the guy who's staying home for the first time.

The feeding plan is three ounces every two hours or so. Of course, Lyla is allowed to request adjustments to this schedule. She got three ounces at 9:00 but then another two at 9:30, marking the first time she has exploited her power over me.

Afterward, Lyla got royally pissed. You need to become a detective at this point since she can't really tell you what's going on. Trial and error is one method, but careful observation is another. After an equal number of errors as trials, I stopped and listened. She sounded like a rhinoceros. Aha! Elementary, my dear Watson: the child was struggling with a booger the size of a Rice Krispy.

I used the baby turkey baster, carefully squeezing it before inserting it into the nostril, lest I accidentally blow her eyeballs across the livingroom floor. Out came the thing, and that moment was like one of those commercials where the miserable cold sufferer takes NyQuil and immediately falls asleep.

She's still sleeping. I've showered (haven't shaved in several days, but at least I'm clean) and written this post. Shh. What now? A snack? File tax returns? Watch the Price is Right? Snack wins. Snack always wins.


Steph said...

Great job! Have you tried Nose Frida? www.nosefrida.com - I swear by it and wouldn't be without it!!!! Looks odd, but worked much better for me than the turkey baster! :)

Anonymous said...

Dan - never before had I watched so much Price is Right as I did when I was on maternity leave. At least I had the original as an option. Enjoy filling your days with your adorable baby! There is nothing sweeter than realizing that you have just spent 4 hours staring at her.

Anonymous said...

Steph, that nose frida looks absolutely disgusting, but it sounds like it really works! Will definitely give it a try when Lyla gets her first cold. Good tip. :)