Sunday, March 22, 2009


There's a class in our community education brochure on baby sign language. Apparently there are 75 American Sign Language signs that are appropriate for babies. And babies can understand signs long before they can speak. I'd ask Lyla if attending this class seems like a good idea, but I don't know the sign for it (nor does she, I suppose).

The three signs we are currently using with her are "milk," "more," and "all done." I will now teach them to you for free.

Imagine a set of cow teats dangling in front of your face. Milk them, and you've just done the sign for milk. Congratulations!

Now point to your open palm. Easy does it if you have sharp fingernails. That's the sign for more. Now you can sign a question to an infant: "More milk?" There's no sign for question mark, so you'll have to put an inquisitive look on your face.

Finally, point all your fingers skyward as though you're inspecting your fingernails. Now look at your palms. Now look at the backs of your hands. Now your palms. Now backs. Now palms. If you kept your hands still while contorting your head around them, you did it wrong. Instead, turn your hands using your wrists. See, isn't that easier? That's the sign for all done. You can make it a question or a statement depending on your face.

Practice makes perfect, so you can't slack off if you expect to learn these signs. I haven't decided if I'll shell out the $32 to learn the other 72. What could they be? I want to teach Lyla a sign for "I'm about to spit up into your shirt."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did she get all the CUTE left in the world?