Saturday, May 2, 2009


A couple months ago Julie got a little tipsy. And by "a little tipsy" I mean she had like 1.3 glasses of wine. Minutes passed, and it was time for her to pump. Not wanting to pump and dump, she drew asterisks on the bags so we would know to only use them in an emergency.

Well, they're still sitting in our freezer, the asterisk bags, the bags of booze milk. Obviously we're not going to use them, but I don't see us throwing them out either. They'll sit in there for a year or two, and on a special occasion yet to be determined, we'll thaw them, pour the contents into champagne glasses, and toast to our responsible parenting.

That's so disgusting that I should delete it and write instead about how we took Lyla to the park today to watch people fly kites.

It was fun. Anyway, I do think Julie should write a motherhood book and title it The Asterisk Milk.

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