Monday, May 11, 2009


Julie took the day off today, so we took Lyla to the zoo. In the process, we managed to answer an age-old question. Since Julie's ovaries predate this picture, the egg came before the chicken.

We witnessed a milestone today, too, the first time Lyla reacted when an object was taken away from her. The object happened to be Julie's coffee cup.

Lyla had a meltdown when this cup was taken away. I would've taken a picture of it, but when your baby has a meltdown at the zoo, photography is an inappropriate first response.

I guess when she sees her parents suckling from the coffee teat day after day, she figures it must be something special. When she's a little older and demands to have a taste, she will likely (as I did when I was younger) equate the taste with mud and be cured of her curiosity.

At least for awhile.

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