Friday, May 15, 2009


We found our childcare place. Unbelievable!

Okay, so I sense this is a delicate subject. If I start criticizing the different centers we visited today, I might say something obnoxious about the place where your child, nephew, or friend's neighbor's cousin goes. For the sake of being diplomatic, here's what I liked about the places I hated:

- They seemed safe.

- They seemed clean.

- The staff seemed nice.

- The kids did not seem miserable.

And now I will offer three pieces of criticism to the centers we did not choose. Take it with a grain of salt, for I am a fussy, fussy man.

- Must your staff wear khaki pants and over-sized polos with your logo on it? Does hideous fashion improve morale? (That sounds shallow. I'm a teacher who wears jeans every day. If I had a dress code, I would feel stifled and robotic. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's that polos and khakis are also worn by teenagers at part-time jobs. Is this McDaycare?)

- When we ask if your center uses baby sign language, do not become confused and say, "Well, we do have one deaf child here."

- Speaking of McDaycare, we do not care that today is chicken nugget day for your toddlers and how exciting that is for them. Not only is our child not a toddler, but we haven't decided if she will eat a chicken nugget ever.

When it comes down to it, it's a feeling straight from the gut that tells you that a place is right for your kid. In truth, any place would probably be fine. But here are some things we like about the place we chose:

- Every teacher has at least a four-year degree.

- They have specific curricula in music, Spanish, sign language, and more.

- The crib area is dim and away from the play area.

- They have an on-site nurse.

- Jeans.

A large part of it was that gut feeling, that resounding "Yes" as soon as we walked in the door. Those feelings are not to be ignored.

By August, my goal is to identify which arm and which leg I can live without, because that's approximately what it's going to cost.


Susi said...

Congrats, guys! I hope the transition goes well in August. My advice would be to have her in daycare for at least 1 full day before you go back to work, just to get used to the idea. That first day back at work away from Anja sucked. But that advice is free, so it's worth what you paid for it...Hope everything goes well!

Sarah W said...

It will also cost a piece of your heart to have someone else have a primary role in her care. It is a tough transition putting them into daycare, but the good news is it's only tough on the parent-the kids love it, and I am a believer that they are much better for it. Your center sounds great. We are moving Larissa to an in-school daycare and trying to cope with Ian losing teeth- it never ends :)
Hope you all are well!