Monday, May 25, 2009


Julie said she packed everything in the diaper bag.


"Yes. Why do you keep asking that?"

"Did you get the--"


So we grabbed lunch and drove to the zoo to show Lyla the new Africa exhibit. After finding a parking spot roughly seven miles from the entrance, we transferred Lyla from the car seat to the stroller and noticed the telltale signs that she had gotten creative in her pants. Unfortunately, it seemed that her diaper hadn't been up to the task.

"Awesome," I said.

Face ashen, Julie replied, "I didn't pack extra pants."

"You didn't pack extra pants?"

"I didn't pack extra pants."

"Always pack extra pants," I said, punctuating each word with a different gesture.

As Julie winced, Lyla chirped happily, reminding us of our predicament. We decided to de-pants the child in the back of the Rav4, drive her pants-less to Target, and buy more pants there. The zoo wasn't going anywhere.

I'll digress for a moment to mention that the Target by the zoo is the most bizarre Target I've ever seen. It's like they took one of the normal Targets by our house and picked it up and shook it like a snowglobe and set it down again. Electronics were where women's clothes normally are; baby stuff was where greeting cards belong. Plus, as we left, they had this sign on the door:

I felt like Alice escaping Wonderland, but at least Lyla had clean pants.

At the zoo, we saw the majestic giraffes.

Well, everyone but Lyla did.

She did, however, wake up in time for the bird show.

Julie and I tried to get her to notice even one bird, but alas.

Finally, we took her to the fish. She sat mesmerized for several minutes, but I didn't take a picture of it. So overall it was a day of many failures--and lots of fun.

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