Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today was quite good. How can you argue with a noon game on a Thursday? My friend's girlfriend works for the Twins (not as the mascot), and besides being cute and cool, she gets tickets behind home plate. Therefore, they must never break up. If they do, I might try to date her on the side.

(Note to future-Lyla: Daddy's kidding.)

I passed a major fatherhood test today by not sacrificing Lyla in order to catch a fly ball. It was two rows in front of us, and had I dived, I probably could've caught it and only maimed a couple people. Had Lyla not been in my lap, this is probably what would've happened. Instead, I shielded her with my arms just in case the ball were to ricochet. Go me!

I did unfortunately have to bring her into the men's room for a diaper change, but she touched nothing. I also blocked her from the hideous view of drunken trough-pissers. She cried pretty much the whole time, expressing the anguish of us both.

But what a great game! The Twins came back to win, thus putting Lyla's record at 1-1. And the Twins mascot got to meet Lyla, so it was a big day for him, too.

1 comment:

Grandma Jackie said...

Dan - the pic of Lyla with the Twins mascot is priceless!!!! :)