Tuesday, May 5, 2009


At 9:30, Lyla's normal mid-morning nap time, I listened to her on the baby monitor fussing, then goofing around, then fussing again, all the while hoping she would fall asleep so I could take a shower. I went upstairs and immediately photographed her because this, ladies and gentlemen, is not the look of a nap. Lyla's feet are pointing at 10:00 here, and they started at 3:00. I decided to give up on the nap for the time being.

After more playing, more food, more diapers, and a onesie change, Lyla fell asleep at 11:00 for the length of one shower. As I coaxed my wet hair into place, I heard her fuss and found she had rotated 180 degrees, feet now at 9:00.

Then at 1:00, Auntie Lori came over to play. I went to Starbucks to drink cappuccino and complete the crossword puzzles in the newspaper, then to Target for all the items I forgot to get at Target yesterday. I went to a different Target so as not to gain a reputation with the staff as the guy who goes to Target every day.

At 3:00, I came home with a clearer head. The afternoon passed without incident, but tonight at 7:45, it was clear that Auntie Lori had put Lyla through some sort of boot camp.

Drill Sergeant Auntie Lori is encouraged to spend as many hours here as she wants.


Lori said...

lol Awww, she is so cute. She looks like she is up to no good and totally knows it. I'm afraid I can't take (much) credit for the evening success, though. I also had two failed attempts while you were gone (positions 10:00 and 1:00) before the successful 3:00 at 3:45.

Jodie said...

sooooooooooooo cute! :)

rbiggs said...

Does Auntie Lori do pre-teens?