Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is a follow-up to my daycare post from two days ago. Daycare openings for infants are tricky because the ratio is small (one teacher for four babies) and demand is relatively high. Spots open up when infants become toddlers or leave the center for some reason. Some of the centers I called had no infant availability until November.

Of 2010.

When we arrived at the place we ultimately chose, we were first told that they had no spots available in late August, their only available spot being for June. Our best bet was to wait and hope that the open spot remained open (yeah right) or that another spot would open up in August. Maybe a family would move to Brazil, for instance. So we went into the tour feeling pretty hopeless and then fell in love with the center and felt even more hopeless.

So I called the director when we got home, hellbent on talking her into a compromise. As it turns out, she was game for negotiating. I asked her if they could give Lyla the June spot if she started at the beginning of August instead of the end--just hold it for her for two months instead of three. The director paused a moment and then said that would be fine, and in fact she could start part time in August and move to full time when we needed to.

At this point, I began repeatedly leaping into the air. I can't believe it was that easy. We got lucky.

1 comment:

Jodes said...

nice work!! :)